Saturday, November 23, 2013

Exciting News!!

Hey, hey! I have some great news about Twin Eyes! I finally have an idea for chapter four! Yep, that means that I am finally over part of my writer's block. I just need to get the words from my head onto paper and I will be golden. It was so hard for me to come up with the idea that I wasn't sure if I would ever be able to finish this story, but I finally got it. 

This chapter four is about the Resistance training facility but I didn't want to write the ENTIRE chapter about it. So I decided I would throw in something special. Not going to say what, but it'll be good. 

As for the YouTube front that I mentioned earlier, I am working on planning out videos so that I will be prepared. It should be easier now that my homework load is lighter at school. So be expecting a new video update on YouTube within the next couple of weeks about my progress. 

Well that is it for now, I will catch you all laters. 



Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mirror vs Eyes

It's that time again. Everyone who has ever gone to school knows it too. Midterms. Yikes. Well good thing I am currently passing my classes...I hope. Just kidding, I am. Anyway, I was thinking the other day (when I should have been studying) about my stories. I couldn't decide which story I wanted to have as my highest priority (after school of course). Twin Eyes is nearly complete I am just stuck at a road block on a few chapters. Ultimate Mirror on the other hand is a new story and with the fact that I want to do a prequel makes it a lot more of a challenge. I am thinking of putting Ultimate Mirror on a hold until I can gather my wits about the story and focus my remaining energy on Twin Eyes.

What got me thinking about this was my video that I put together about my character's songs. Anyone who reads my weekly anime page knows that I am a huge fan of AMV's so I love to make all types of videos. I decided that I would focus solely on the characters until ideas pop in my head. Who knows, maybe I will develop the characters better with this process.

OH!! I forgot to say that I also am designing some cover concepts. Hopefully I will be able to hand draw my cover. It's still in the early stages and I haven't officially drawn my characters before so I want to get an idea of what the characters look like before I draw up the official look.

My idea so far is Alyssa and Nathan Rinehart's faces. I don't know if they are going to be head on, overlapping, or profiles yet, but I will post a picture when I have a rough idea.

As I mentioned earlier, I have an anime page. I will post a new blog post advertising it so to speak. As well as talking about an idea for a sort of 'vlog' about my anime topics. That idea is still on the drawing board until I have more time to write out concepts and plan videos. Might just throw the idea out the window. We shall see.

Have a great weekend everyone.

xx Kat =^.^=

Monday, November 11, 2013

New Ideas

Hey all.

So I was thinking that Ultimate Mirror will be a sequel. My character development is poor and the reader doesn't get to know the characters like I do. The new story that I am planning will be several years prior about the main characters and how they became friends. It is always important to me that my readers feel the same about my characters as I do and in order for them to do so they need to grow with these characters. I have always wanted to do stuff like this because I have grown up with some of my favorite characters and I want my readers to do the same.

I am always hoping for something great.

In my pocket right now for stories is:
- Ultimate Mirror
- Twin Eyes (almost complete)
- Dark Angel (on hiatus)
- Unnamed Prequel to Ultimate Mirror
- Falling like Wonderland

Let's hope that everyone likes these stories as much as I do.

If you don't want to wait to hear more about my stories, I do have one story out there on Wattpad. I will put the link to my profile up at a later point.

Damn, I feel like I am grasping for straws. Well that is all for now. I will post my anime update this week.

For now. Ciao.

Kat =^.^=

Monday, November 4, 2013

Jumbled Thoughts

Hey guys.

I am suddenly feeling lost. I don't understand why I do, but I just am. My head is filled with thoughts of not belonging. I think I blame this new story idea for these thoughts. It's almost like I don't know where I fit in. At home, at school, at work...I just can't find a place. This isn't just a new thought either. I have been having this reoccurring feeling for years.

My writing, my stories, it is all a big diary entry. My feelings thrown into a different character's life and world. Cresent Moon, Redeemption, Like You, Twin Eyes, Dark Angel, and now even Ultimate Mirror. My heart is uneasy and I create characters who are filled with those same feelings. Laurel, Lindsay, Alyssa, Selene, and Allen. Hell even my fanfics I have written: 23 Days, Nothing Personal, The Other Side of Me...those characters are expressions of what I feel. I just can't seem to shake the feeling.

And now this is turning into a diary entry. Sorry.

On a brighter note....Ultimate Mirror has some very interesting scenes appearing. Let's just say that my mind is a very scary place.

Haha, strange scenes aside. Has anyone read Allegiant yet? Yeah, well neither have I. My friend just borrowed me her copy, so I am going to read it tonight. Let's hope that even with this "controversial ending", the book ends the series wisely. (I am scared to read it though).

I suppose I should get some homework done while I wait for class to start, but I would prefer to write on here than to study about Hamsters and Gerbils.

OH! Wanna see two pictures that I find to be very inspiring for writing Twin Eyes and Ultimate Mirror?

This is a picture that helped me write Twin Eyes, especially the character of Anderson who is a dual-swordsman.

This picture helped me to create two characters from Ultimate Mirror. I won't say which two because I haven't formally written a full chapter yet. 

It is always exciting to find inspiration in the little things. 

Hope you guys had a good safe Halloween. 

Also anime fans. Don't forget to check out my anime page! Bleach fans keep an eye out because I will be posting a theories page for what I think will happen in the last volume or two of the series. 

Have a great one you guys. 


Kat =^.^=